Just Add Parents: Ready-To-Use Parent Meeting – “Raising Marketing-Savvy Kids”


We’ve got your parent meeting covered! All you need to do is Just Add Parents.

This product is available as either a digital download or packaged on a physical USB drive. Please select the appropriate version you’d like in the drop-down menu below.

Each installment in the “Just Add Parents’ series addresses a topic of interest and need related to the pressures children and teens face in today’s youth culture.

“Raising Marketing-Savvy Kids” is designed to raise the awareness of the powerful role marketing plays in the lives of children and teens, informing parents of the strategies marketers use to push the “buy-button” on kids, and equipping them to teach kids to manage marketing messages to the glory of God.

The plug-and-play meeting features 3 ten-minute video teaching segments from CPYU’s Walt Mueller, each followed up with small group discussion. Perfect for use in a parent meeting or Sunday School class.

The teaching content is designed to not only inform parents regarding cultural issues, but equip them to respond to these unfolding contemporary realities in a Gospel-centered and God-honoring practical manner, all with the goal of helping parents lead their children and teens into believing and behaving “Christianly” in today’s rapidly changing youth culture.

Just Add Parents: “Raising Marketing-Savvy Kids” includes:

  • 3-ten minute video teaching segments from CPYU’s Walt Mueller (plus 1 short bonus video!)
  • Printable handouts including questions for small group discussion
  • Promotional graphics

* Whether you choose the digital download, or the USB option, we encourage you to prepare for your parent meeting by testing the files right away to help ensure there are no technical difficulties.

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